Wamberal Nature Play Area Upgrade Forges Ahead

With the upgrade of the Wamberal Memorial Hall park powering ahead, Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch has said the new nature play area will be a much-welcomed addition to the community.

“It’s great to see that work has now started on the $80,000 upgrade of the play area at the Wamberal Memorial Hall, which will be an excellent addition for the community and young families in the area.”

“The state of the park prior to the upgrade was an issue raised by dozens of my constituents when doorknocking and I’m glad to see that Central Coast Council is powering ahead with the upgrade in line with their 2024 Playspace Strategy.”

Central Coast Council Administrator Rik Hart said this is another great nature play area upgrade for the community.

“The new and upgraded equipment included is a bench seat, balance logs, rope climber, stepping logs, net climber, bongo drums, sandstone wall/seating and a play café.

“We thank the government for their $60,000 funding, to which Council has also contributed $20,000 – bringing the total construction budget is $80,000,” Mr Hart said.

Mr Crouch said that while the upgrade occurs, the park will be closed for approximately 2-3 weeks and thanked the community in advance for their patience.

“While the park will be closed in the meantime, it will allow Council to forge ahead in getting the revamped nature play area opened on time for the community to enjoy.”